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The Chairman’s award is the highest honor and gratitude that American Airlines bestows on its team members and is a chance for the best and brightest to be recognized. 100 employees company wide are recognized each year as an Annual Chairman’s Award Winner.
55 flights attendants (and several of their family members) have a lifetime memory, thanks to Robyn Beasley! Robyn organized the “Stews for Elephants” trip to Thailand. We ventured over to Chiang Mai, Thailand to volunteer at the Elephant Nature Park for a week.
Robyn spent a day at the Elephant Nature Park on one of her previous trips to Thailand. While on a London layover, she thought how amazing it would be to take other flight attendants to volunteer and help these sweet creatures. A year later…. We were there. With Robyn as the leader, and with the help of family, friends and co-workers, we were able to donate $12,200. The money was raised from t-shirt sales, silent auctions, donations and various fundraiser events. Many of the volunteers also brought school supplies, clothing and candy for the local children and food/toys for the dogs.
Not only did Robyn positively impact the elephants at the park, she helped create one of the most life changing trips for many of us. As co-workers, (many of us had not met prior to this trip) we came together to create a positive impact for the animals and local people. We prepped food, cleaned up the park, built a dam, picked up **** (it wasn’t always glamorous) and as a team, came together under her leadership to perform many more chores that the park management requested. I am so proud to call this group of people my co-workers. We all pushed ourselves, achieved fantastic results and learned so much about the elephants, ourselves and our fellow colleagues.
When it comes to our community involvement “At American, we believe in putting our extensive resources to good use by contributing to the communities we touch. Through our philanthropic efforts and local presence, we’re working to better the lives of those around us.” Not only did Robyn help make an impact on local communities, she joined with others for a cause to help across the world.
"The story of our time spent at the Elephant Nature Park and Robyn has been featured in many personal blogs, the June edition of the American Way Magazine, Arrivals and on Jetnet. Many other flight attendants have expressed interest in joining on our return trip
"I didn’t know what to expect out of this trip, but I’m glad that I was able to join the group. We all thank you Robyn Beasley for sharing this experience with all of us, being able to sleep in accommodations near the elephants was magical. I encourage others to make the journey and volunteer… it will be life changing."
"Volunteering at the Elephant Nature Park was one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. Not only helping with the elephants and local children, but volunteering with my fellow crew members has brought us all closer making us a family within our American Airlines family. The response from the public and our fellow American employees has been amazing. And to think it all started with Robyn on a layover."
"What is a hero? A hero is someone who we determine to have demonstrated behaviors and decisions that are ethnically and emotionally worthy of our awe. Someone noted for courageous acts of nobility of character. Someone who in the opinion of others has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model. Robyn Beasley has proven to be that someone! Thank you for all your time and hard work organizing our amazing time volunteering at The Elephant Nature Park. What a MAGICAL experience."
"Robyn Beasley is a beautiful young lady with an incredibly selfless spirit. She has a love of life for all living creatures. She is kind, giving and loving. Always willing to help no matter what the cost."
"As a passionate animal rights advocate and nature lover, when Robyn approached me with her idea to volunteer at ENP, I was all in without hesitation. Knowing Robyn's zeal for travel and great connections, the list of volunteers grew quickly and I was impressed by the amount of organization and info she managed via the group's Facebook page. Throughout the year, she inspired others to create ways to raise funds to donate to the camp, and never let us lose sight as to why we were going: to help care for and raise awareness about the plight of abused elephants, something she had witnessed on a previous vacation. I am ever grateful for that trip and the time I spent there, and for sharing it with such amazing coworkers. The experience changed my life. I plan to return soon and work with the many dogs on the property as I continue to spread the message that the cruel mistreatment of all animals must stop."
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